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Scale Ruler Worksheet

How to use a scale ruler and our practice worksheet.

Using a scale ruler to measure and mark drawings with needed measurements is an important skill to master for anyone working on technical drawings. Open Form Transcript.So on the scale ruler worksheet, we’re going to take our scale ruler. For those of you that have this one here, we have your 1″ scale, 1/2″ scale and 1/4″ scale. There are different scales on this piece of paper. We’re going to… Read More »How to use a scale ruler and our practice worksheet.

Scott C. Parker

Scott is a recognized Vectorworks Trainer and has been a featured speaker at the VW summit covering his use of Braceworks for calculating rigging loads.

Using Vectorworks with Fire Marshal Plans

Using Vectorworks with Fire Marshal Plans to figure out required paths of egress and aisle spacing. If you would like work create your own seating layouts with Vectorworks, this tutorial is the first of several covering how to read the regulations when working on seating layouts.

Adding dimensions to light plot pipe

Dimensions Between Lighting Units

Including lighting unit dimensions will save you a lot of time during your load-in. You don’t want to have technicians measure with a scale ruler each time. Here I show how to use a scale rule on a pipe full of lights to add Dimensions Between Lighting Units Transcript of my video showing Dimensions Between Lighting Units: This is our worksheet for working with a scale ruler. As you can… Read More »Dimensions Between Lighting Units

Drafting Light Plots Drawing Booms

This video is about drafting Light Plots – Drawing Booms. It’s a first draft of this series covering pencil drafting and I’ve already found some mistakes. It’s posted early so I can use it for a current stage lighting class and I’ll get to cleaning it up soon.