We Design
World Class Events
Passion and Expertise

An Event Without Paperwork is like

A Puzzle Without the Box

Let me help you with your paperwork package so you can put your puzzle together with ease.


“proper preparation prevents poor performance”

Drafting and drawing for the entertainment and event industry. We offer a selection of predefined equipment and seating layouts that work for various size events held in relatively standard ballrooms. We also offer custom drafting services to suit just about any event and venue.


Our team have years of production design experience. If you’re looking for custom designs that create an environment in which your event takes place, we have the designers for you. Please contact us for a consultation.


Fully rendered images show your client what to expect when they attend their events.


Properly engineered drawings save thousands of dollars. Big-ticket items like lighting, audio, and video gear is just the start. Taking the “extra” time to lay out your supporting equipment such as power cables, control and signal cables, rigging cables, power distribution, and more leads to lean equipment lists. Well thought out equipment lists leads to savings in rentals as well as shipping and trucking costs.


You can do all this on your own if you wish. We offer free how-to tips and paid training. Scott is a recognized Vectorworks Trainer and has been a featured speaker at the VW summit covering his use of Braceworks for calculating rigging loads

Paperwork, Drafting and Vectorworks Training

How to use a scale ruler and our practice worksheet.

Using a scale ruler to measure and mark drawings with needed measurements is an important skill to master for anyone working on technical drawings. Transcript.So on the scale ruler worksheet,…

Scott C. Parker

Scott is a recognized Vectorworks Trainer and has been a featured speaker at the VW summit covering his use of Braceworks for calculating rigging loads.

Vectorworks Seating Sections using Known Section Size – laying out seating for events

Vectorworks Seating Sections using Known Section Size is an easy method of laying out seating for events held in hotel ballrooms and conference centers.

Using Vectorworks with Fire Marshal Plans

Using Vectorworks with Fire Marshal Plans to figure out required paths of egress and aisle spacing. If you would like work create your own seating layouts with Vectorworks, this tutorial…
For More Training, Click Here.

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