by EventDraftingAdmin | Oct 16, 2020 | Seating Layouts, Vectorworks Advanced Vectorworks Seating Sections using Known Section Size is an easy method of laying out seating for events held in hotel ballrooms and conference centers.
by EventDraftingAdmin | Oct 16, 2020 | Fire Marshal Plans, Vectorworks Basics Using Vectorworks with Fire Marshal Plans to figure out required paths of egress and aisle spacing. If you would like work create your own seating layouts with Vectorworks, this tutorial is the first of several covering how to read the...
by EventDraftingAdmin | Oct 5, 2020 | Pre Viz
This is a holding page. We will be adding previz examples soon.
by EventDraftingAdmin | Jul 20, 2020 | Fire Marshal Plans, Tutorials
Seating Layouts for the Fire Marshal and/or AHJ require detailed plans that primarily show routes of egress should there be an emergency such as a fire. Properly laid out seating at adhering to the house rules is vitally important so that you don’t show up to...
by EventDraftingAdmin | Jul 20, 2020 | What We Do
Drafting and drawing for the entertainment and event industry. We offer a selection of predefined equipment and seating layouts that work for various size events held in relatively standard ballrooms. We also offer custom drafting services to suit just about any...
by EventDraftingAdmin | Jul 19, 2020 | What We Do rigging layouts are checked by ETCP certified riggers to confirm that they contain appropriately calculated load numbers. As always, it will ultimately be up to the in-house riggers to make final determinations and approvals, our drawings contain...
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